Happy Meal

I get to wake up every morning. I get to eat three meals a day (or more). I get to feel the sunlight on my face, or the magic in the air or the rain in my skin. I get to experience life. There are those who can’t even get out of their bed. Those who watch the world from their window. Or those who can’t even have a decent meal a day.

I am lucky. And I should be happy. Maybe I am. I just refuse to accept it. Or just don’t appreciate it because I used to measure happiness on what I have and what I don’t. I bet you have heard this a lot but happiness is more than that. Appreciate the things you have, the family and friends you have.  Maybe it is our nature as human to not be contented with what we have.  We constantly ask for more, forgetting that what we have is enough to say grace. There is nothing wrong with asking for the better. We just need to not  forget to say thanks.



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